Flexible Booking Plan

Our Flexible Booking Plan has been introduced for your complete peace of mind. We understand you may need to adjust your plans, so we’re offering the flexibility to change your travel arrangements or re-book for a more suitable time if needed. 

The Flexible Booking Plan (FBP) allows guests to cancel or defer their travel to an alternate date up to:

- 90 days prior for River Cruises and Land Tours or
- 120 days for Ocean Cruises

to departure, less third party fees.

A Future Travel Credit will be provided for guests to use on an alternate tour/cruise which is valid for 24 months. 

River Cruising Yacht Cruising
$125 $200

Flexible Booking Policy Terms and Conditions

  • Payment for Flexible Booking Plan is required with the deposit.
  • Guests can defer travel or cancel your booking up to 90 days for River Cruises and Land Tours or 120 days for Ocean Cruises prior to travel, with no Scenic or Emerald Cruises fees (3rd party fees may apply).
  • Should you choose to defer or cancel your booking, the total deposits paid to Us (less third party fees) will be applied as a Future travel credit which is valid for 24 months for you to use on alternate tour/cruise. 
  •  If Early Payment has been received and is cancelling prior to the brochured Final Payment Due Date, guests are entitled to the deposits (minus any third party fees) being held as a Future Travel Credit plus a refund for the additional payment/s
  • Non commissionable.

NOTE:  The Flexible Booking Plan does not intend to replace travel insurance

Penalty Relief Program

The Penalty Relief Program is available for new river and ocean cruising bookings for travel after 1 January 2022 for Scenic and Emerald Cruises (“Eligible Booking”).

The Penalty Relief Program must be purchased together with the Eligible Booking at time such booking is made and may not be added at a later date.
The Penalty Relief Program is provided at a cost of $295 per person per river cruise, and $395 per person per cruise on Emerald Cruises yacht cruising (“PPP Fee”). 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.If I have to cancel because I have broken my leg and my doctor states that I am unable to travel, will I be able to receive a refund?
A.Yes, if you are able to provide a Doctor’s certificate to show that you will be unable to travel you will be eligible for a refund.

Q.If I have to cancel because I am hospitalized due to a severe illness and my doctor states that I am unable to travel, will I be able to receive a refund?
A.Yes, if you are able to provide a Doctor’s certificate to show that you will be unable to travel you will be eligible for a refund.

Q.If I become unwell with a cold and do not wish to travel will I be able to cancel my booking and receive a refund?
A.Unless you are able to provide a Doctor’s certificate to show that you will be unable to travel you will not be eligible for a refund. However, we will be able to hold your money on file as a Future Travel Credit.
Q.I have lost my house due to a recent natural disaster (such as bushfire, floods) and am in temporary accommodation, will I be able to cancel my booking and get a refund?
A.Yes, if you are able to provide a letter from your insurance provided to show that you will be in temporary accommodation at the time of travel and the natural disaster occurred after your booking date you will be eligible for a refund.  

Q.I have been made redundant or laid off by my employer, can I apply for a refund and cancel my booking?
A.Yes, if you are able to provide a letter from your employer to show that you have been made redundant/ laid off and this will mean you are unable to travel you will be eligible for a refund. You must have worked for that employer for at least one year continuously and the redundancy occurred after your booking date.

Q.If I wish to cancel my booking due to a change of mind and I no longer wish to travel, will I be able to receive a refund?
A.If you wish to cancel due to not wanting to travel anymore, you will not be eligible for a refund however we will be able to hold your money on file as a Future Travel Credit. 

Q.My traveling companion’s home has been damaged by flood but the home is still habitable, will I be able to cancel my booking and get a refund?
A.If the home is still habitable, you will not be eligible for a refund however we will be able to hold your money on file as a Future Travel Credit.

Q.Do all guests on the booking need to purchase Penalty Relief Program?
A.No, purchase Penalty Relief Program is optional, however if a guest has not purchased this and wishes to cancel their booking, standard booking terms and conditions will apply.

Q.Penalty Relief Program is not included for land touring, what if my booking is a land and cruise combination?
A.Yes, the Penalty Relief Program will cover any complete booking which includes Ocean and River cruising if land/extension is in the region of their cruise itinerary (i.e. a booking that secures land tour/city extension that links to the cruise booking).

Penalty Relief Programs Terms and Conditions


Cancellation Penalty Relief Program

The following Cancellation Penalty Relief Program is provided by the Scenic Group and is NOT an insurance benefit.

Subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein, this Cancellation Penalty Relief Program (the “Program”) offers you the opportunity to receive a refund and/or other relief in the event you are forced to cancel your booking with us during a time period that would otherwise require you to pay cancellation fees under our standard booking terms and conditions.

If this Program is available for your particular Scenic or Emerald Cruises tour, it will be made available to you at the time of booking and, if selected and paid for by you, this Program description will be deemed an addendum to your cruise ticket contract.  This Program must be purchased at the time of booking and may not be added at a later date. Please also note that this Program is not available for Russian cruises, Russian cruise tours, Amazon and Galapagos cruises or land tours, or any bookings that are made using a Future Travel Credit or gift certificate issued by the Scenic Group.

The Program cost is $295.00 per person and per individual tour for river cruises, and $395 per person per cruise on Emerald Cruises yacht cruising. If full and final payment for either your tour or this Program is not timely paid, your right to participate in this Program will automatically be cancelled and all rights hereunder will cease and be of no further force and effect.  

The following terms apply in the event a passenger that has purchased this Program (a “Program Participant”) is forced to cancel the booking for which this Program was purchased due to one or more Eligible Reasons (as defined below):

1. If cancellation is made 31 days or more prior to the date travel commences with us, including flight arrangements, we will issue the Program Participant a refund equal to the total amount the Program Participant paid us for the applicable tour, less the Program cost, airline cancellation fees, if any, and travel agent administration fees.

2. If cancellation is made between 15 and 30 days prior to the date travel commences with us, including flight arrangements, we will issue the Program Participant a refund equal to 70% of the total amount the Program Participant paid us for the applicable tour, less the Program cost, airline cancellation fees, if any, and travel agent administration fees.

The following terms apply in the event a Program Participant is forced to cancel the booking for which this Program was purchased due to any other reason that is not an Eligible Reason:

1. If cancellation is made 31 days or more prior to the date travel commences with us, including flight arrangements, we will issue a Future Travel Credit to the Program Participant in an amount equal to the amount the Program Participant paid us for the applicable tour, less the Program cost, airline cancellation fees, if any, and travel agent administration fees.

2. If cancellation is made between 15 and 30 days prior to the date travel commences with us for, including flight arrangements, we will issue a Future Travel Credit to the Program Participant in an amount equal to 70% of the total amount the Program Participant paid us for the applicable tour, less the Program cost, airline cancellation fees, if any, and travel agent administration fees.
Any Future Travel Credit issued by us under this Program is not redeemable in whole or in part for cash and will expire to the extent it is not used within the 24-month period immediately following the date the Program Participant’s booking was cancelled.

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, if a cancellation is made for any reason (whether an Eligible Reason or not) within 14 days prior to the date travel commences with us, our standard booking and cancellation terms and conditions will apply.

Set forth below are what will be considered “Eligible Reasons” and will be subject to substantiation and confirmation to our reasonable satisfaction.

1. An illness, injury, or death to the Program Participant or the Program Participant's traveling companion that has also purchased the Program or any Family Member (as defined below) that is booked on the same tour (and also has purchased the Program) or any other Immediate Family Member (as defined below) that is not booked on the Program Participant’s tour. For purposes hereof “Immediate Family Member” means the Program Participant’s or the Program Participant’s traveling companion’s legal or common law spouse, legal guardian, stepparent, natural or adopted child, step-child, sibling, or step-sibling. For purposes hereof, “Family Member” means any Immediate Family Member, or the Program Participant’s or the Program Participant’s traveling companion’s parent-in-law, grandparent, grandchild, child-in-law, sibling-in-law, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, or cousin.

2. The Program Participant or the Program Participant’s traveling companion that has also purchased the Program are involved in a traffic accident on the date travel commences that causes the Program Participant or the Program Participant’s traveling companion to miss your cruise and which must be substantiated with a police report;

3. The Program Participant is involuntarily terminated or laid off from their primary job by an employer for whom the Program Participant has worked for at least one continuous year prior to the date of cancellation;

4. The Program Participant’s primary residence or the primary residence of the Program Participant’s traveling companion that has also purchased the Program is made uninhabitable by a natural disaster (such as flood, fire, hurricane, or earthquake) and is reasonably expected to remain uninhabitable during the time of travel of the applicable tour;

5. The Program Participant is called into active military duty to provide aid or relief as a result of a natural disaster or the Program Participant’s previously granted military leave is revoked or reassigned for reasons due to war or an act of war and the Program Participant is required to either provide aid or serve during the applicable tour; or

6. The Program Participant is subpoenaed or called to serve for jury duty during the applicable tour.

For purposes of clarity and without limitation, none of the following circumstances will qualify as an Eligible Reason:

1. A condition that first presents, worsens, becomes acute, or has symptoms causing a person to seek diagnosis, care, or treatment, or prompts a change in medication, at any time during the 60-day period before the Program was selected to be purchased;

2. A condition related to elective abortion, use of alcohol or drugs other than as prescribed by a doctor, psychological disorders (unless hospitalization is required) or pregnancy (unless hospitalization is required);

3. Business, contractual, or educational obligations of the Program Participant, a Family Member, or a traveling companion or otherwise;

4. Declared or undeclared war or act of war;

5. Service in the armed forces of any country, except where the Program Participant is called into active military duty or emergency service as a result of a natural disaster or the Program Participant’s previously granted military leave is revoked or reassigned for reasons due to war or an act or war;

6. Unlawful acts whether committed by the Program Participant, a Family Member, a traveling companion or any other person or entity; or

7. Any Eligible Reason that occurred in whole or in part prior to the Program Participant’s selection to participate in the Program.

This Penalty Waiver is not an insurance policy and does not and is not intended to replace any travel insurance or cancellation and interruption insurance. For travel insurance or cancellation and interruption insurance, please contact 1.844.777.6856 or visit https://scenicgroup.tripmate.com/ .
