Discover our Loyalty Members cruises

Embark on an unforgettable journey with exclusive experiences designed to honor you, our valued loyalty members. Choose from a curated selection of voyages, with our Managing Director, Ken Muskat, as your esteemed host.

2025 Idyllic Rhône

Join our Managing Director, Ken Muskat, and sail along the Rhône and Saône rivers on your luxurious Scenic Space-Ship. Drift through a land of resplendent castles, awe-inspiring cathedrals, undulating vineyards and ancient villages that are home to fascinating sites. Discover everything from ancient Roman ruins to secret underground passageways to sprawling urban parks, all while indulging in some of the country’s most delectable cuisine.

2026 Mediterranean

Departing from Barcelona, this Cruise Voyage across the Mediterranean will take you to the island of Menorca, the vibrant cities of Marseille and Cannes, and the glamorous enclave of Calvi on Corsica. Then head for the Italian Riviera, discovering charming towns set along crystal-clear waters. Join our Managing Director, Ken Muskat, on this unforgettable sailing aboard the 6-star Scenic Eclipse, where you'll indulge in unrivaled ultra-luxury during this relaxed voyage through spectacular seas. Late departures offer the perfect opportunity to experience life after the sun goes down (and the other tourists have left), sipping spritzes on the waterfront in the warm spring air.
Europe River Cruises 2025 Brochure
Europe River Cruises 2025 Brochure

Start planning your Europe river cruise

See our itineraries that you can enjoy onboard your Europe river cruise with Emerald Cruises.

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